9 / 11 / 2020

Statement on Recent COVID-19 Cases

Joint Statement from Nantucket Cottage Hospital and the Nantucket Health Department | Sept. 10, 2020

Today we reported an additional 7 new cases of COVID-19 among patients tested at the Nantucket Cottage Hospital drive-through testing site. This brings the two-day incidence to 14 new cases. The Town of Nantucket Health Department and Nantucket Cottage Hospital are working to determine if these new cases are connected or not, along with the necessary contact tracing. We are looking to ensure that this community spread is contained as quickly as possible. To that end, we urge all those individuals who receive a phone call from a contact tracer to answer the call and cooperate fully with the case investigation. This is among the most important tools we have to contain the spread of the virus. We also continue to urge all Nantucket residents and visitors to take extra precautions to prevent the spread of the coronavirus on the island, including wearing masks, physical distancing, refraining from gathering in any groups, and vigilant hand-washing. It is critical that this spread be contained so that our high-risk population stays safe and our hospital does not become overwhelmed.

8 / 26 / 2020

Privacy Advisory

Nantucket Cottage Hospital respectfully requests that patients, visitors, and anyone else on or around the NCH campus refrain from taking photographs of the vehicles and individuals in line for COVID-19 testing. Please respect the privacy of our patients and your fellow community members.

It is a violation of Nantucket Cottage Hospital policy to photograph patients without their consent and it is a serious invasion of privacy to post such images on social media without consent.  Furthermore, such actions could discourage individuals from getting evaluated for COVID-19 testing, which is one of the best tools we have to keep our community safe during the pandemic. Patients who are in a queue of vehicles or standing in line to be tested should not be photographed.

While we cannot control individuals taking photos of the hospital from other public or private property surrounding our campus, we again request that people refrain from doing so out of respect for our patients’ privacy.

Thank you.


8 / 25 / 2020

NCH Statement on Recent COVID-19 Cases

8 / 25 / 2020

Watch the 2020 Women + Wellness Event

Overwhelmed? Does the pandemic have you feeling excessively tired, foggy or under mental strain? You may be experiencing “emotional labor,” a phenomenon that involves the exertion of energy for the purpose of addressing other people’s feelings, trying to make them feel comfortable, or seeking to live up to social expectations. Please watch the YouTube recording above of our virtual panel of Nantucket speakers followed by Q&A on emotional labor, how to recognize it, and resources to help during these challenging times.


  • Sarah Munsen, “Women and Emotional Labor in the Pandemic Age | Nantucket Cottage Hospital’s Social Services Manager
  • Lera Keller, “Preventing Emotional Labor Burnout in Mothers through Support Building and Childbirth Preparation” | Doula & Educator at Lera Keller Reproductive Journey Support
  • Charity Grace Mofsen, “A Moment to a Movement: Sustaining the Emotional Labor” | Community Advocate and DEI Consultant
8 / 24 / 2020

NCH & Town Health Department Joint Statement on Recent COVID-19 Cases

While summer is coming to an end, the efforts to limit the spread of COVID-19 on Nantucket must continue and recent events underscore the need for renewed vigilance in the island community.

Two recent COVID-19 cases on Nantucket appear to be connected to a beach party attended by many young people that occurred on Monday, August 17th. Contact tracing is underway, and we are encouraging anyone who may have attended the party to get tested at Nantucket Cottage Hospital as soon as possible.

For months now, we have urged island residents and visitors to take reasonable precautions to prevent the spread of the coronavirus on Nantucket, including wearing masks, practicing physical distancing, and hand-washing. This guidance includes refraining from gathering in large groups for parties or other festivities, which can pose a significant risk for transmission of this virus. (more…)