3 / 30 / 2017

Join Alli & Sean Mitchell in Supporting The NCH Fund

Longtime island residents Sean and Alli Mitchell have a growing family. Over the past two years, the Mitchells have welcomed two healthy boys to their family – Thomas and Patrick – who joined them and their three dogs under one roof. Sean, a member of the Nantucket Fire Department, and Alli, a property manager, have become well acquainted with Nantucket Cottage Hospital during this time.

“I wasn’t someone who used the hospital too much in the past,” Alli said. “But now? You’d have to pry me off this island to have a baby anywhere else!”

Beyond their experiences at The Birthplace, the Mitchells know that their family and the community they love depend on Nantucket Cottage Hospital in so many ways. From routine check-ups with their children’s primary care physician, to visits to the Emergency Department or the Walk-In Care Service, the hospital has given them the confidence to build their lives on Nantucket. (more…)

3 / 28 / 2017

Actualización con respuesta al coronavirus por parte de NCH

27 de Marzo de 2020Primero queremos expresar nuestra gratitud a la comunidad de Nantucket por los innumerables actos de generosidad, buena voluntad y apoyo para nuestro hospital que hemos presenciado durante la semana pasada. Agradecemos a todos los que donaron suministros médicos o se tomaron el tiempo para fabricar máscaras caseras, sin mencionar las muchas otras ofertas de alimentos, vivienda y financiación. Ver a nuestra comunidad reunirse alrededor de su hospital mientras respondemos a la pandemia del coronavirus (COVID-19) ha sido inspirador para todos en NCH.

A medida que nuestro hospital se preparó para esta situación sin precedentes y cambió la forma en que laboramos, nos dimos cuenta de que las medidas que se han implementado para proteger a los pacientes y a nuestro personal pueden haber creado la percepción de que NCH está esencialmente cerrado para todos, excepto para aquellos que padecen (COVID. 19) Eso está lejos de la verdad, y queremos que la comunidad sepa que estamos abiertos y aquí para cuidarlo. Si bien hemos re-programado cosas como visitas de bienestar y cancelamos los procedimientos electivos  para reducir la cantidad de personas que ingresan a nuestras instalaciones, seguimos atendiendo a  pacientes en NCH con necesidades de atención médica urgentes, que no son COVID-19. Estamos tomando todas las medidas de control de infecciones para proteger a los pacientes y al personal, y estamos evaluando posibles casos de coronavirus fuera del hospital en nuestro sitio de evaluación de acceso directo en la entrada principal. Si tiene una necesidad médica, llámenos y haremos todo lo posible para servirle a usted y a su familia. Nuestros médicos también pueden programar visitas con sus pacientes por teléfono, y estamos trabajando para implementar visitas por video.

3 / 28 / 2017

Report to Our Donors – 2016/2017


Every year, the Nantucket Cottage Hospital Foundation publishes its annual Report to Our Donors to celebrate, highlight, and thank our donors and volunteers. This report is filled with the names of people who recognize that life as we know it on Nantucket wouldn’t be the same without a hospital that meets the needs of a thriving year-round community. It’s one of the ways we acknowledge the hundreds of men, women and children who generously share with us their talents and treasures as volunteers, donors and staff. Read the full report.

3 / 17 / 2017

Our Patients – Rocky Fox

As published in the March 2nd edition of The Inquirer and Mirror:

To the editor: I recently had surgery at Nantucket Cottage Hospital. I’d like to thank Dr. Monto and his entire staff (Jen, Meg, Tara and Keri) for easing my fear and pain and making me look on the brighter side of things. A truly awesome staff. I can’t speak highly enough of them. (more…)

3 / 13 / 2017

NCH and Stop & Shop Sign License Agreement for Use of Land for Construction Staging

Nantucket Cottage Hospital and Stop & Shop have entered into a temporary license agreement, allowing the hospital to use Stop & Shop’s land near its mid-island store for a staging area for construction of the new hospital at 57 Prospect Street. Stop & Shop has waived all fees in connection with the agreement, a benefit to the hospital valued at $1.2 million.

The parcel, known as the Craig Property, adjacent to the Boys & Girls Club and fronting on Sparks Avenue and Pleasant Street, will be used for staging for the hospital’s construction activities.  Stop & Shop previously used the Craig Property as a staging area for construction of its new mid-island store. (more…)