Category: Special alerts
NCH Hosting Annual Flu Shot Clinics: Fall 2023
(September 2023) Nantucket Cottage Hospital is hosting flu vaccine clinics this fall. Appointments are required and are available to book on the Patient Gateway or by calling 508-825-1000. Flu shots will be administered in the Anderson Building on the hospital campus at 57 Prospect Street.
- Monday, September 18, 2023
- Wednesday, September 20, 2023
- Saturday, September 23, 2023
- Tuesday, September 26, 2023
- Thursday, September 28, 2023
- Saturday, September 30, 2023 during Island Health Fair at 57 Prospect Street, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. (no appointments required during Health Fair)
- Tuesday, October 10, 2023
- Thursday, October 12, 2023
- Tuesday, October 24, 2023
- Tuesday, November 7, 2023
- Thursday, November 9, 2023
- Wednesday, November 15, 2023
- Thursday, November 16, 2023
- Friday, November 24, 2023 (for all ages – clinic located in Physician Practices in main hospital, not Anderson Building)
Additional clinic dates will be added to meet demand.
For COVID vaccine clinic dates, click here.
Both COVID and flu vaccines are also available to patients during a regular primary care visit.
The flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. The best way to prevent the flu is by getting a flu vaccine each year, and the Centers for Disease Control recommends annual influenza vaccination for everyone 6 months and older.
Celebrating Our New MRI Scanner
(April 5, 2023) Nantucket Cottage Hospital received a new, state-of-the-art MRI scanner in April 2023. The new MRI is now the most costly piece of equipment at NCH and was purchased thanks to generous donations from the Hospital Thrift Shop. “The new MRI provides much faster scan times and higher resolution images. The faster scan times are a big improvement in convenience and comfort for patients and will make more appointments available. The higher image resolution means that many diagnostic procedures that have previously required a costly trip off-island can now be done here on Nantucket.” – Dr. Chinyere “C” Rumph, NCH Director of Imaging. Click the video below to get an inside look at the new MRI, produced by NCH staffer Kareem Vessah in the NCH Imaging Department.

NCH Recognized Again as a Top 100 Rural & Community Hospital by The Chartis Center for Rural Health
(February 16, 2023) Nantucket Cottage Hospital has been recognized as a 2023 Top 100 Rural & Community Hospital for the second consecutive year. Compiled by The Chartis Center for Rural Health, this annual recognition program honors outstanding performance among the nation’s rural hospitals based on the results of the Chartis Rural Hospital Performance INDEX™.
Amy Lee, President of Nantucket Cottage Hospital, said, “this designation is truly an achievement to be proud of and it is because of the high-quality, community focused care our team provides to every patient and their families.”
Now in its 13th year, the INDEX has established itself as the industry’s most comprehensive and objective assessment of rural hospital performance. Leveraging publicly available data, the INDEX is trusted by rural hospitals, health systems with rural affiliates, hospital associations and state offices of rural health across the country to measure and monitor performance across a variety of areas impacting hospital operations and finance.
“Amidst uncertainty, transition and strain, these top performers are excelling in managing risk, achieving higher quality, securing better outcomes, increasing patient satisfaction, and operating at a lower cost than their peers. These groups serve as a benchmark for other rural facilities as they strive to achieve similar results and provide a blueprint for successfully navigating the uncertainty of the new healthcare,” said Michael Topchik, National Leader, the Chartis Center for Rural Health. “Across the nation, top 100 rural providers continue to serve as a source of inspiration for hospital leadership teams and staff working diligently every day to improve the delivery of care within their local communities.”
NCH and Fairwinds to Launch Integrated System of Mental Health Crisis Response
On Tuesday, January 3, Nantucket Cottage Hospital and Fairwinds will launch a new integrated system of community-wide mental health crisis response. The collaboration, which has been in development for months, grew out of the work of the Nantucket Community Behavioral Health Initiative which identified the fragmented system of mental health crisis response to be one of the key gaps in its 2021 assessment of behavioral health systems on the island.
As of 12AM on January 3, the new island-wide mental health crisis number is 508-221-3315. Fairwinds, which has been designated the Community Behavioral Health Center and Crisis Responder for Nantucket by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, will respond to crisis calls 24/7 365 days a year. In addition to addressing crisis calls in the community and in the schools, Fairwinds clinicians will provide crisis evaluations in the hospital emergency department and provide consultation for treatment of patients waiting for discharge to on-island outpatient services or transfer to an off-island in-patient facility.
“When the state came up with its new approach to community crisis response we were well positioned because we were already at the table working collaboratively to make it better,” said Amy Lee, President of Nantucket Cottage Hospital. “When Fairwinds applied for and was selected to be the CBHC (Community Behavioral Health Center) for Nantucket – which was a big step and a huge commitment – it just made sense for the community for it to be one integrated system that we all commit to support.”
While the state’s guidelines and contracts only apply to Mass Health patients, the new system on Nantucket will be “payer blind” giving every person access to the same system regardless of insurance status. Patients who need in-patient care will get placement in an off-island facility through Mass General Brigham’s central access program which provides a single team to manage all behavioral health inpatient placement throughout the MGB system and beyond.
Jason Bridges, Executive Director of Fairwinds, added “This collaboration between Fairwinds and the Nantucket Cottage Hospital will provide better care for those in crisis while significantly improving the overall behavioral health care for our island. Driving towards one integrated system with first responders, the schools, human services organizations, and the broader community will put people first and improve our overall level of care and well-being,”
NCH Announces Brand Identity Transition
September 28, 2022
Email Communication to NCH Staff
Dear Colleagues,
More than two years ago, Mass General Brigham introduced its new brand identity to better represent our common purpose – to build an integrated healthcare system with patients at its center. This means that every patient receives a high quality and safe patient experience at an appropriate cost; has access to world-renowned specialists when needed; enjoys an experience that is seamless across the system; and benefits from world leading research and development that is focused on continually advancing healthcare and science.
I am pleased to share with you that Nantucket Cottage Hospital, along with Martha’s Vineyard Hospital, is entering to the next phase of the Mass General Brigham brand rollout and at NCH we are launching our new logo today:
With the brand rollout at Nantucket Cottage Hospital, we can enhance our deep connection and relationships to this world class system, resources and capabilities and help our patients better understand how we help to improve their lives. This systemwide collaboration will soon become more visible across our organization, in many ways, though most of the historic NCH exterior signage will remain as is. The entire brand rollout process will take time as we take steps to minimize the cost associated with implementation as we use, the current branded supplies and signage and equipment.
Nantucket Cottage Hospital is a special and unique Nantucket community resource, staffed with resolute, talented healthcare professionals and volunteers committed to improving the lives of patients, families, and this community. The challenges of delivering world-class healthcare thirty miles at sea are very real and remain more challenging than ever. These last few years have been particularly difficult; however, we have learned repeatedly that we can do remarkable things when we work together as a system, supported by our Mass General Brigham colleagues to provide life-changing care and community service on this island. This collaboration and teamwork to deliver with highest quality patient experience closer to home is symbolic of everything Mass General Brigham is striving to achieve through its strategy.
The MGB system strategy is to be recognized as the world leading, integrated healthcare system provider in its served market. With the full range of capabilities, world-class clinicians and staff at our academic medical centers, specialty hospitals, and community hospitals, we will increasingly work as the premier healthcare system that delivers safe, high quality patient care, an unrivaled experience and access to world-renowned experts across the full spectrum of healthcare needs. Continually strengthened by our research, innovation and modern technologies, we will have an even greater impact on our patients, their families and the communities we so proudly serve locally, nationally and globally.
We hope you take pride in being part of Nantucket Cottage Hospital and all that our new Mass General Brigham brand stands for. It is rooted in you and your commitment to our patients, their family and our island community that we so proudly serve.
Jeanette Ives Erickson, RN, DNP
Interim President, Nantucket Cottage Hospital